J+J Actuator

The new J4C Electric Actuator range from one of Europe's leading electric actuator manufacturers, J+J, offers 24-240V multi voltage capability and a multi function LED status light in On-Off, Modulating and Fail safe valve actuators. Quality from Spain.
Allvalves are the number 1 Re-seller of the J+J Actuator in the UK
All Valves Online has always offered the J+J electric actuator range and even as the sole UK and German distributor of the Sun Yeh range of electric actuators, All valves still stock and supply a large quantity of the J+J actuator every year.
The J4CS electric actuator introduces a brush-less motors and has a patent pending on its automatic multi-voltage sensing system that allows any AC or DC voltage between 24V and 240V to be applied across the full torque range. The multi-colour, multi-function LED status light remains the top rated J+J actuator feature by its users.
The flexibility of the J+J valve actuator range is very popular with the plug and play conversion kits that create a modulating actuator and/or a fail safe actuator from a standard on-off electrical actuator. With the ability to add and take away the fail-safe and modulating functionality, they become unique in the quarter turn electric valve actuator market place.
Allvalves offers the complete J4CS range of J+J electric actuators from stock, covering 25Nm through to 350Nm in on-off, modulating, fail safe and modulating fail safe functions.
-- Note -- The J4CS electric actuator supersedes all previous models (J3, J3C and J3CS) and is the only full range model in production. It is backward compatible in terms of valve mounting and electrical connections, but function conversion kits are not interchangeable to/ from previous models.